Oktoberfest: 22 Essential Tips For First-time Visitors To Munich’s Volksfest

We’re excited about beau’s Brewing Co.’s upcoming Oktoberfest celebration, but don’t let them fool you, it’s actually in September! That’s not the only surprising feature of the independent Canadian brewer’s annual event, so we wanted to choose the brains of our own Beau Superfan to hear its main reasons for participating. The history of Oktoberfest is Oktoberfest 2023 also still being reborn in the most wonderful ways. In addition to a family program, a large number of cultural activities and horse races were offered, from which the festival originated. The ‘Oide Wiesn’ was so successful that it has taken place every year since then: especially the inhabitants of Munich immediately fell in love with their ‘Oide’.

It takes place every year in Munich, Bavaria and Germany for 16 to 18 days, from mid to late September until the first Sunday in October. It attracts a dizzying crowd of more than six million people from all over the world every year. It is an important part of Bavarian culture, as it has been fortified since the tradition began in 1810. A must-order is the classic “Wiesn-Hendl”, which is best enjoyed with fries. Slowly roasted chicken with butter is irresistible after a few drinks.

It is one of Germany’s most famous events and is the largest trade fair in the world, with more than six million people attending each year. In 1811, a show was added to promote Bavarian agriculture. In 1813, the festival was cancelled due to Bavaria’s participation in the Napoleonic Wars, after which Oktoberfest grew from year to year. Horse racing was accompanied by climbing trees, bowling alleys and swings and other attractions.

Since 2009, the festival has generated nearly $620,000 in funding for good work projects. Beau’s Oktoberfest has also been reducing its impact on the environment since 2014 by opting for green energy with Bullfrog Power. The following year the horse race was held again and in 1819 the organization of oktoberfest was taken over by the citizens of Munich.

The beer served in each beer is on the table that goes with it. Many guests visit the quiet stalls to use their mobile phones. For this reason, in 2005 there were plans to install a Faraday cage around toilets or to use cell phone jammers to prevent phone calls to those devices. More recently, the amplification of live music in bathrooms has led to them no longer representing a quiet retreat to phone calls. In 2011, safety measures were increased again, this time with 170 partially retractable bollards that were also designed to prevent forced entry into the festival site by vehicle.

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