What Is Ménière’s Disease??
Symptoms can be caused by medication, low blood pressure, anxiety, cold, flu, dehydration, heart disease, etc. Tell your doctor immediately if you experience dizziness or dizziness regularly. There are many health problems 藥性子宮環 that can affect the inner ear and cause dizziness and hearing loss, including serious allergies, bacterial or viral infections of the inner ear, side effects of the drug and certain circulatory conditions.
The feeling that things revolve around you, making you feel unstable or unbalanced, is known as dizziness, and many people can describe this symptom as dizziness. Dizziness is most often caused by a condition known as benign positional vertigo, labyrinthitis, Meniere’s disease, migraines and a decrease in blood flow to the cerebellum . The vertigo diagnosis is made more frequently depending on the history and clinical presentation. In dehydrated or anemic individuals, blood pressure readings can be normal when lying; however, the lack of fluid is not masked when they rise quickly. However, if dehydration or medication prevents the body from reacting by limiting blood vessels and increasing heart rate, dizziness may persist to the point where the patient passes out . Dizziness is one of the most common symptoms that will cause someone to see a doctor.
For the type of stunning vertigo, tablets called prochlorperazine or cinnarizine are often prescribed. These do not cure the underlying problem, but they help you feel better until it disappears. These do not work as well for the type of dizzy / weak dizziness or for the loss of balance. This condition causes intense periods of dizziness which can last for hours. Other symptoms include ringing in the ears, hearing loss and nausea.
The movement of the fluid moves small fine hairs which are in the inner lining of the labyrinth. When the hair moves, it triggers messages that will be sent to the brain by a nerve called a vestibular nerve. This gives the brain information about the movement and position of its head, even when its eyes are closed. Although weakness may be due to injury or inflammation, the combination of dizziness and weakness may be a more serious condition that requires immediate medical care. Sudden and unilateral weakness, with or without dizziness, is a symptom of stroke or transient ischemic attack . Progressive weakness could be a symptom of nerve damage or neurological diseases, such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease.
The inner ear includes the cochlea, room and semi-circular channels where there is a system of narrow canals filled with liquid called labyrinth. The three semi-circular channels help control balance and posture. The movements of the head are perceived because when you shake the head, the fluid in the labyrinth inside the semi-circular channels also moves.
But in most cases, dizziness and dizziness are symptoms of treatable conditions.
The other symptoms of a heart attack that often accompanies dizziness are chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, arm pain, back pain or jaw pain. Symptoms suggesting a stroke are the sudden onset of headache, numbness, weakness, visual changes, walking problems or speech impairment. “But in the elderly, the feeling of a light head may be the only symptom of a heart attack or a stroke, especially if it does not disappear,” says Dr. Grossman. In this case, every second counts, so go to the emergency room for treatment. Dizziness or dizziness can be linked to many causes and is not exclusive to Parkinson’s disease.
It can be made worse by certain movements of the head or sudden changes in position. Although nausea and vomiting may occur, people generally do not lose consciousness due to dizziness in the inner ear. In its most severe form, the feeling of a light head may be a sign of a heart attack or a stroke.
Symptoms can worsen with a change in lying position or sitting position to get up. Some of the conditions that may cause dizziness in a patient include blood pressure, high blood pressure, dehydration, medication, postural or orthostatic hypotension, diabetes, endocrine disorders, hyperventilation, heart disease and vasovagal syncope. The causes of dizziness can be dehydration, side effects of the drug, sudden drops in blood pressure, hypoglycemia and heart disease or stroke.